
Widows are Warriors! A Walk through the Wilderness of Widowhood

Widowhood is a life-changing experience that can bring you to your knees, no matter whether your loss was sudden or anticipated. Each day is filled with challenges, questions, and fears. Each day you will have to find the strength to move beyond your fears and tears and step into the unknown.

Your own strength will fail you, however, you can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you! This book is a compilation of my writings over a year and half since I lost my husband unexpectedly. As I walk this journey, I identify the various emotion and challenges that are innate to widowhood. Some of us struggle with understanding these emotions or how to deal with them; most of us think something is wrong with us because we feel the was we do. The truth is these emotions are a common thread in the lives of a widow or widower.

The narrative is real and visceral. It is not made to sound pretty or palatable; there is nothing pretty or palatable about widowhood! We are not here because we volunteered for the position; we are here because we were drafted into the position of widow or widower. Accepting this new identity is not easy. Yet, accept it we must.

Deep within each of us is a strength we do not know we have because we have never been called upon to use it. I am confident that you will draw strength and encouragement from the words shared in this book; although written from a widow’s perspective, the truth expressed applies to both widows and widowers.

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