I recently came across an old note that I wrote when battling a season of despair. In an effort to lift my spirit, I went out for a quick bike ride before dark and saw the most beautiful rainbow. What is it about rainbows that intrigues children and adults alike? Those who know about Noah and the flood understand the theological significance of the rainbow: it’s a sign of God’s promise to never wipe out humanity again with a flood. The rainbow represents hope and the faithfulness of the One who is holding the universe in the palm of His hand. Even those who do not know the Lord or the significance of the rainbow can attest to its beauty and marvel each time it appears.
“When the bow is in the cloud, then I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”
Genesis 9:16
While I was taking pictures of this rainbow, it started to drizzle. Surmising it would pass, I journeyed on for about a mile, but the gentle drops turned into a torrential downpour. Soaked to the bone, I promptly turned around to ride home. By the time I arrived, the rainbow was gone. That which I saw so clearly just minutes before was now completely absent. I felt a sudden pang of sadness and loss. But then I remembered something that would prove to be a key life lesson every time I battled despair: although the rainbow was gone, the One who created the rainbow was still with me.
When there’s no rainbow, He is still carrying us. You see, the rainbow is but a temporary reminder of an eternal reality: God is holding you, and He will never let go.
Megan Mascarenhas
So often in life, it feels like God isn’t there. I know in my head that He will never leave me, but I don’t always sense His presence. Yet, the God who formed the rainbow is still very much present and in control, even when there’s no rainbow to be seen. In seasons of despair, we must cling to the knowledge of the truth despite what our emotions tell us. It’s so easy to acknowledge God’s sovereignty and goodness when something positive happens; we know without a doubt that He’s working on our behalf when He answers a prayer the way WE want it to be answered. But He’s still sovereign and at work when I can’t see any tangible results or visible evidence. He’s still in control – and He’s still good – even when my prayers aren’t answered according to my desires. The rainbow is a gift, like many good things in life: health, a loving spouse, children, faithful friends, a job you love, financial security, etc. But we must be wary of leaning on these gifts more than the Giver. Like the rainbow, gifts can disappear in an instant. But the Creator of every good gift will never disappear nor change (James 1:17)!
If you’re fighting despair this season, keep pressing on by fixing your eyes on the One who never changes and never leaves. God is at work, even if your situation feels hopeless or you feel abandoned. He’s working on YOUR behalf!
When there’s no rainbow, He is still carrying us. You see, the rainbow is but a temporary reminder of an eternal reality: God is holding you, and He will never let go.
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.”
James 1:17