Project Purple
Our mission is to walk with these widows in their journey from poverty to royalty.
Triumphant ‘N Treasured establishes business initiatives to restore the dignity, community, and financial independence of impoverished widows.
We call this portfolio of businesses Project Purple, because we want to remind them that, contrary to what their societal norms say, they are daughters of the one true King and made to experience His love and care.
We have already launched 8 projects that are serving over 175 women in India, Uganda, Cameroon, and Brazil!
We rely on the donations of corporate sponsors to fund each project. If you are interested in sponsoring a Project, please contact us for more information. Thank you for your consideration!
— Isaiah 54:5

Update 01/26/23: The goat farm now has over 25 goats! Praise God for His goodness and for multiplying the fruit of these widows’ labor.

Project Purple – Kampala, Uganda has launched a bakery. This bakery is being run by both the widows and single women in the village.
Praise God for His provision for these women through the support of Corporate Sponsors and the prayers of many!
Project Purple – Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India has launched a goat farm! This project will initially serve 20 widows, and as the goats reproduce, they will continue adding more groups of widows.
Please pray for the growth of this goat farm, as there are over 100 widows in this area of Uttar Pradesh, India. Our hope is to see all of them restored financially, emotionally, and spiritually!

Update 9/13/2023
In the last year, the goats have given birth to 8 kids (with one more on the way)! The overseeing pastor has distributed the goat kids to the widows so that nearly every widow has her own goat.
Now, we look toward expanding by launching an SAP pig farm – piglets will be sold to purchase more goats to add more widows to the fold!

“Ma Mary”

Project Purple – Tombel, Cameroon has launched small businesses for individual widows! 10 widows were given funds to start their own small businesses. Some of the widows can barely walk and sell their items from their front porch; others sell in local markets. Their market tables feature mustard seeds, fire wood, cassava root, beverages, and more.
One of the widows, Catherine, passed shortly after the money was distributed. She was 72 years old and died from an acute illness. Catherine was blessed to have lived the last few months of her life with dignity thanks to Project Purple!
October 2023 Update: “Ma Mary”- one of the widows in Cameroon who is also the mother of Pastor Kang (who oversees Project Purple) – started a Seed of Abraham Project (SAP). She is raising 2 pigs, and as the pigs breed and multiply, she will use piglets or the resources from selling the piglets to help new widows launch their own small businesses.
SAP benefits women like Collette, another Tombel widow who was featured in last month’s newsletter. Collette was abandoned by her husband and left with two sons, one of whom is disabled. With no means to provide for herself and her boys, Project Purple/SAP has given her new purpose! The funds from the SAP revenue allow her to invest in her inventory for her table market as she continues cracking and selling egusi seeds (melon seeds).
Please pray for favorable conditions so this business can flourish and provide for these worthy women!

Project Purple – Meghalaya, India has launched a pig farm in Mendipathar (in the North Garo Hills District of Meghalaya). This project is serving 13 widows, and they hope to add more to the fold as the business grows.
October 2023 Update:
The widows are preparing for the births of their first 5 litters of piglets and expect to have anywhere between 25-50 piglets! After this first round of litters, each mature pig should have about two litters per year. In keeping with the principle of tithing, we ask all widows to “tithe forward” by giving up a piglet from each litter to help another widow start her own business. Of the 5 tithe piglets, two will go to widows whose pigs died this year and three will go to 3 new widows. After this, they anticipate adding a minimum of 5-7 widows to the fold next year by tithing forward. Thereafter, the growth will be exponential.

Project Purple – Nagaland, India has launched a pig farm in Razaphema village, Dimapur. This project is helping 13 widows, and as they continue to breed pigs, they will expand the farm to include more widows.
There are many widows in this area, so please pray for God’s favor so that many can be blessed through this Project!
Project Purple Minas Gerais, Brazil has launched a bakery! They will be using homegrown tapioca flour to bake Biscoito and will sell it wholesale to the market in Sao Paulo. This project alone is impacting the lives of at least 35 women!
Pray that these women will constantly remember that they are daughters of a King and that their bakery would grow so they can financially support themselves while being a blessing to the community.

We are in the process of expanding to Kenya & Guatemala!
We are still trying to raise the funds to start these Projects. Partner with us in changing the lives of these widows by giving today!
Meet some of the widows whose lives have been forever changed by Project Purple! Our mission is to continue restoring the dignity and financial independence of impoverished widows across the globe.
Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors!
We couldn’t launch Project Purple without the faithful support of our Corporate Sponsors. Click the button below to learn more about our champions. You can be our champion too!
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